How to withdraw from NETELLER to Skrill?
Sending money from Skrill to NETELLER and NETELLER to Skrill is still possible, but you need to log in from your desktop. You will instantly transfer your Neteller funds to a Skrill account in four easy steps.If you want to send money from NETELLER to Skrill, you need to log in to your NETELLER account. Use the desktop version since it will have more options for withdrawal than the NETELLER app on your mobile.
Transfer money from NETELLER to the Skrill account
Sending money from NETELLER to Skrill is quick and straightforward. But first, make sure you have available funds in your NETELLER account. - Step 1: Log in to your NETELLER account on your desktop
- Step 2: In the menu, choose the MONEY OUT option
- Step 3: Select Skrill, set the amount, and enter your Skrill email
- Step 4: Review the withdrawal amount, including the withdrawal fee, and confirm
- Step 5: Check your Skrill account balance
The NETELLER withdrawal to Skrill is instant, and your funds should be visible on your Skrill account right away. We also make a short tutorial video on how to send money from NETELLER to Skrill - watch it on our Youtube channel.

NETELLER witdrawal fee
Sending money from NETELLER to Skrill is not free. If you have a regular NETELLER account (NETELLER True), you will be charged a 3.45% fee on sending money to Skrill.Do you want to know how to cut the withdrawal fees?
Get a NETELLER VIP account and lower your fees
However, for NETELLER VIP accounts, sending money and making withdrawals to bank accounts is free. As a NETELLER VIP, you enjoy lower currency exchange rates, zero fees on P2p transfers, and free NETELLER withdrawals. If you want to get a NETELLER VIP account, go to our NETELLER VIP request form, and we'll upgrade your account to NETELLER VIP. A VIP account will cut down your account expenses for money transfers and withdrawals.
Go to NETELLER VIP and request your VIP account on Wikiwallet.